Sunday, March 25, 2012

No Celebration For ObamaCare This Year

On this, the 2nd anniversary of ObamaCare, not too many Democrats -- especially our President -- are out there trying to talk-up or take credit for the enactment of that law. That's because ObamaCare is as unpopular today as it was the day it was enacted; thus contradicting the Democrats firm belief that, as time passed, more and more Americans would come to love it. The few who are talking about ObamaCare's anniversary like to point out those few points that most Americans like about the law:
  • No one having any pre-existing medical condition can be refused insurance or should have to pay a premium for that condition.
  • No annual or lifetime caps on medical insurance payouts
  • Millions who can't afford insurance will have coverage through the expansion of Medicaid
  • "Free" preventative checkups and diagnostics.

And, that's it. That's about all they will talk about. But, you see, those four items that Americans do like could have been incorporated into a couple of pages of legislation. Instead, the Democrats crafted a convoluted, 2400 page law that is literally designed to take over our health care system. That's what Americans don't like. What's worse, most are coming to the understanding that ObamaCare will only drive up the nation's debt. At the same time, insurance premiums aren't being reduced and it is becoming increasingly obvious that quality health care will decline under ObamaCare. With all that, would anyone in their right mind celebrate its anniversary.

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