Monday, July 20, 2009

The Search For Economic Recovery

According to Larry Summers, Obama's chief economic adviser, the stimulus package is working because the number of searches on Google for the words "economic depression" have come down to normal levels after having been 4 times higher in January (See Full Story).

My guess is that the number of Google searches for the words "michael jackson dead" are down, too. Using Mr. Summers' logic, am I to assume that Michael Jackson is now alive again?

I guess Summers would prefer to put a happy face on his own miserable performance by completely ignoring those statistics that say the economy is poor and getting poorer like rising unemployment rates, increasing foreclosures and bank defaults, and falling consumer confidence and spending.

While the searches for "economic depression" might be down, my guess is that they have been replaced with increasing searches for the words "one term presidents"!

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