Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A Debt Reduction Commission - Or - Just A Sneaky Way To Break A Tax Promise

Yesterday, Obama's Debt Reduction Commission held their first meeting to decide what measures should be taken to reduce this nation's spiraling deficit. According to the Republican Co-Chair, former Senator Alan Simpson, "everything is on the table". Of course, for me, the best debt reduction action that could be taken right now would be to fire this President and send all Congressional Democrats home. But, maybe in the Fall?

The problem with the Debt Commission is that it will be used to raise taxes; and, nothing else. Everyone on Capitol Hill, Republicans included, knows damn well that any "program eliminations or reductions" would take an act of god to happen. For a politician, cutting any program and possibly losing even a single vote is anathema. So, my prediction is that only tax increases will be implemented out of this commission's December recommendation.

For Obama, the tax recommendations from this "bi-partisan" commission will be particularly beneficial. That's because (and I predict) that commission will recommend some form of tax that will hit the middle or lower classes of this country; thus giving Obama cover to break his promise of not taxing anyone below $200,000. Afterall, that's why he really created the commission. Duh!

Everyone on Capitol Hill knows what has to be done to save this country from collapsing under its own debt. But no one wants to make the hard choice because, in doing so, some voters are going to be offended. But, having a bi-partisan commission, not made up of current office holders, is just the ticket. Now, if the voters get angry, they'll have to get angry at the commission and "not" any particular elected official. How gutsy!

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