Wednesday, April 14, 2010

More ObamaCare Stupidity

First, we find out that any children with pre-existing conditions had been completely excluded from ObamaCare; embarrasing Obama who had been touting, both before and after the bill's passage, that these children would be taken care of. Then, Corporations started declaring that ObamaCare will cause them to lose billions of dollars in tax benefits. Benefits they had been receiving to continue private health insurance for their retirees; rather than discontinue that benefit at age 65 and force those people onto Medicare. Now, it is apparent that the affected companies will now pay less taxes because of higher expenses and, more importantly, they no longer have any incentive to keep from throwing their retirees onto Medicare at age 65. Subsequently, Medicare costs will go up higher than expected.

Now, we find out the most laughable impact of all under ObamaCare: That Members of Congress will lose their own "rich" health care plans. Apparently § 1312(d)(3)(D)(i) states that members of Congress must either subscribe to health plans that are formulated under the new dictates of ObamaCare or buy their insurance from any one of the newly created health care Exchanges (Click to See Full Story: Ooops! Congress loses health care plan under Obamacare?).

And, added to both the laughability and stupidity factor, you now have Democratic members of Congress questioning how this could happen. Maybe if these idiots spent more time reading the bill, rather than scheming on how to pass it against the will of the people and the rules of Congress, they would have realized what they had done. But, when you "intentionally" draft legislation that is so large and so cross-referenced it takes a doctorate to decipher, this is what happens. It just proves that Congress could have cared less about what was in the law. They could care less if it helped or hurt Americans. Their only interest in passing it was that it would give the Federal Government complete control of health care in America.

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