Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Browning of Green Technology

While Obama seems to want to double and triple-down on failed and expensive green technologies, the rest of the world is going in the opposite direction.  All across Europe, because of serious debt problems, slowing economies and revenues, and an effort to avoid bankruptcies, governments are considering austerity plans that don't include subsidized wind and solar energy expansion.  Instead, these governments are focusing in on absolutely essential activities.

The same is true in China.  But, China is much different than Europe, in that China's economy is in good health.  So, why not continue government-subsidized wind and solar?  Well, China is no dummy.  They can see that the world is jumping off the solar and wind bandwagon.  They know that one of Spain's biggest reasons for being on the brink of bankruptcy was its push to be the world leader in wind power. The Chinese government knows that the best thing it can do is provide cheap energy for its people and its growing businesses.  After all, it was cheap energy that made the United States such an economic powerhouse.  So, now, that country is investing in oil, nuclear, hydro-electric, and natural gas.

Without government-support, green technologies are doomed.  Green is non-competitive and too expensive  to stand on its lonesome when going up against the cheapness of coal, natural gas, and gasoline in producing energy. Increasingly, the climate science that was supposed to drive "green" is being found to be greatly flawed.

The news articles in support of the above opinion are as follows:

1 comment:

Maria said...

Making some expansies on solar energy power systems are completely justified in China, as I know. For those economies, which might break down, this can wait. Thank you for a good post!