Friday, January 24, 2014

Mr. Obama, Lying Has Consequences

Many people have shed their rose colored glasses when it comes to trusting Barack Obama.  It has definitely showed up in the polls with his approval numbers now hovering around 40%, and, it all stems from his lying.  Lying about his writing the book "Dreams of my Father" when, in fact, Bill Ayers "ghost wrote" that book.  Then, lying about his casual acquaintance with Ayers.  You know, the guy that wrote his book and launched his senatorial campaign from his home.  Then, there were all those ObamaCare lies regarding keeping your insurance and your doctor; and, how it won't add one penny to the deficit or, how it would lower your costs for health insurance.

Of course, there was also the lie about Benghazi being caused by a video.  Then, there was the extent of the IRS scandal; saying that it was just a few rogue people in the Cleveland office.  Or, lying about the extent of the NSA spying and how, supposedly, American's aren't in the NSA's spying net.  So, it's no wonder that, people couldn't care less when he gave his speech on changes to the NSA's manual on spying.  According to a recent Pew poll, only 8% were interested enough in what Obama had to say by listening to his whole speech.  Of those, 73% thought that the President's changes would make little difference in keeping American's privacy safe and, 79% thought the changes wouldn't have any measurable impact on out fight against terrorism.  That same poll said that more than half of those polled didn't hear anything about the President's speech.

If these numbers don't show Obama as being a lame-duck President; then, nothing will.

Reference: Pew Research: Obama’s NSA Speech Has Little Impact on Skeptical Public:

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