Friday, January 30, 2009

A Political Risk? Or, A Reward?

Many of the political pundits (mostly liberal) seem to think that the Republicans are treading on quicksand by voting "no" on this stimulus package. They further think that it is political suicide by appearing to be obstructionists when the country voted for change. Apparently, they believe (or want to believe) that the loyal opposition, the Republicans, should just roll over and die. But, let's not forget that only a little more than half of this country voted for this " change". There are millions of voters out there who didn't vote for Pelosi, Reid, and Obama and they need representation too. To that end, the Republicans are charged in serving and protecting their interests. Without them acting as a check and balance against what is a majority-controlled government, there would be nothing democratic about that government.

Well, maybe it is political suicide for the conservatives. But, at what real risk? They've already lost the White House and they've lost both Houses of Congress. They also took a shellacking in the State Legislatures. If they had lost much more, they would be nearly invisible. The real fact is that those liberal pundits want the Republicans to vote with the Democrats so this horrible stimulus package will carry the protective political cover of bipartisanship. Then, two years down the line, when the trillions being spent clearly did not work, the Democrats can look backwards, without assuming any defensive fetal position, and proudly defend themselves and their actions by saying that the Republicans were on board with this program too. It's an old game in Washington.

Actually, by not voting for this lard-laden stimulus plan, the Republicans have only a minimal risk; and, the ultimate rewards could be substantial. Rewards like regaining seats in Congress or regaining the White House. If, what the Democrats are doing doesn't do anything but further deepen the recession, the Republicans have gained a lot more then they would have lost. Any rational person can clearly see that this stimulus package is a loser. It might create a few politically-targeted jobs; but, it isn't going to bailout this massive and wide-ranging economy of ours. And, based on recent polls, the American people are seeing through this package as well. According to the latest Gallup poll only a slim majority of America (52%) has any faith in this stimulus package and that number is waning by the day as people start to see what is in it(See Full Story). If it weren't for 73 percent of the Democrats, voting with their ideological hearts and not logical minds, this bill would have very little support.

One more thing. When the Republicans talk about how fat this package is, a lot of Democrats use the counter argument that the Republicans showed no control when they were in charge for eight years. This says a lot. It just shows that the Democrats are well aware that this package is nothing more than a pork sandwich with a little bread that's hiding its fat-laden center. They are trying to use the old child's ploy of saying "Johnny did why can't I!" While it is true that the Republicans weren't fiscally responsible while they were in control, this plan, by the Democrats, doesn't just mirror the waste by the Republicans; this plan takes it into hyperspace by multiple factors of 10.

I knew that if the Democrats had enough power and a free-rein to mold our government, they would overstep any logical bounds. Now, it appears they are well on their way in repeating their past bad habits. They did it in the Carter Administration and they suffered. Carter became a one-term President. I think Mr. Obama would well-serve his own personal fortunes by looking back at history. Clearly, he and the Democrats are moving headlong into disastrous territory; and, they have only been in control slightly more than one week!

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