Wednesday, February 11, 2009


My guess is that Republican Senators Collins, Specter, and Snow will realize, at some point, that they were simply being used to get the stimulus package through the Senate. I'll bet money that, after the machinations of the House/Senate conference are completed and reconciled, much of what was removed to satisfy these turncoat Republicans will be back in; and, then some. That's because, what was passed in the House and the Senate are substantially different in scope while they might appear to be the same size in actual spending levels. I have read estimates that the two bills, overlapped together, will equal, on the low side, $1.2 trillion and, on the high side, $1.5 trillion. Neither the House nor the Senate Democrats are going to give up easily and just toss their portions of the bill into the abyss of compromise. Both groups are going to fight hard for their programs. I would not be surprised if the final product isn't over a trillion dollars. Maybe we'll find out later today.

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