Sunday, July 12, 2009

Reduced Dependence On Foreign Oil? What a Big Lie!!

I guess I'm getting a little tired of hearing that wind and solar power will reduce our dependence on foreign oil. Probably, the biggest promoter of this lie is Al Gore and his "Repower America" TV ads like this one: "Do Right".

Wind and solar power are solely intended to replace electrical power that is currently being produced by coal, natural gas, and nuclear energy. All of these fuels are domestically sourced producers of "electrical" energy in this country. They have nothing to do with any foreign imported oil. Or any other source of oil, for that matter!

If, somehow, we could instantly and magically replace every existing power plant in America with wind and solar power, there wouldn't be a single drop of crude oil that was truly saved by that action.

The 7 percent of homes that are currently being heated by heating oil would continue to be dependent on foreign and domestic crude oil sources. Those 240+ million vehicles on our roads today would continue to burn the gasoline and the diesel that is being derived from foreign and domestic oil. The vast majority of cars, trucks, buses, ships, boats, and airplanes that are being sold, both now and well into the future, will continue to use petroleum based fuels. Our road building and resurfacing will still need oil-derived asphalt products. The majority of the paints and plastics that we use in our everyday lives will continue to be derived from domestic and imported crude oil.

The only thing that will change when wind and solar replaces natural gas and coal is that hundreds of thousand of workers who are involved, either directly or indirectly, in those "carbon" industries will lose their jobs. This is evidenced by an extremely detailed university study that was done in Spain and reviewed the Spanish model of wind and solar conversion. It concluded that 2.2 jobs were lost for every "green job" that was created (See Full Study Results). Additionally, it cost the Spaniards about 571,000 euros (approximately $800,000) to create each new "green job".

Our dependence of foreign oil will continue to increase; despite what Obama and the Congressional Democrats seem to think. Contrary to their ideological beliefs, there isn't going to be a mad stampede to buy the all-electric Chevy "Volt" that carries a price tag of $40,000 and that can only go 40 miles without having to fall back on its gasoline engine or be recharged for hours (See Full Story).

All the crude oil dependent things we need and use in our lives will continue to grow in lock step with the growth of our population. More importantly, our current sources of domestic oil are dying off faster than any increases nade in fuel mileage. Unless we expanded domestic production, we will only continue to rely more and more heavily on foreign oil. Not less.

All of Al Gore's "Repower America" TV ads are one, big ideologically-based lie; much like the rest of his B.S. with regard to global warming. We are being sold a false bill of goods by the environmentalists and the Democrats. What's worse, the national media is complicit in this lie. Because of this irresponsibility of the media, the people of this country are being shielded from the truth. They only believe what they are being falsely told.

If we continue to go down this road of wind and solar power, we will become a weaker country; not more profitable or energy independent. What's worse, the poor of America will only become poorer as they are forced to use up any available income to pay for their energy and energy related needs; which includes food and clothing. We will become a lot like Spain with its current high rate of unemployment; the highest in Europe at 18%. The high energy costs that will result from Cap and Trade and from the costs needed to convert to wind and solar power will just eat into any available monies that could have been used to create new jobs. Besides becoming more dependent on foreign oil, we will continue to become more and more dependent on products that are being produced in places like China and India who won't have the added and burdensome production costs that will result from our costly conversion to wind and solar power and from the taxes and production penalties that will result from Cap and Trade. For this very reason, expect many more manufacturing operations to be shipped out of this country to low cost production countries like China.

You can either believe Obama and Al Gore's claims that we can use wind and solar to "create good paying jobs in America and not ship them overseas" or you can look at the real-life examples of places like Spain where just the opposite has become the truth. The future of America is hanging in the balance. We can either take a path that is based on a bunch of ECO-lies or take a logical path and produce more domestic oil and grow this country and maintain our standard of living. It's your choice. You can either express it in the voting booths and by calling or writing your members of Congress.


Sam Argull said...

But Cranky,
Our Looter in Chief says the Energy Bill is to free us from imported oil, Al Gore says the wind farms are to save the planet. Pirate Pelosi and her merry band of plunderers said it was to create jobs, jobs, jobs.

Could it possibly be that they are all ignorant,lying, or insane?

Thank you for the post.

Ranger said...

I have been advocating for an alternative energy program that actually could replace coal for electricity generation, and provide many new jobs as well. Gulf Stream Ocean Current energy completely dwarfs the potential of all other alternative energy proposals combined, save nuclear. We know they will fight nuclear. But they merely ignor Ocean Current Energy. Why? Ignorance, yes, but when informed the true agenda becomes apparent - the de-industrialization of America. So now you know. Ocean Current energy CAN replace carbon fuels, and re-industrialize America. I hope this changes your mindset on where we need to go. If you doubt me, gooogle it. Educate yourself.