Monday, August 10, 2009

My Opinion On The Town Halls

When's the last time you heard of the Democrats going on break and holding "so" many Town Hall meetings? I can't remember when -- and I have closely followed political news for years.

I think these Town Halls are "all" a set up. They are intentionally being used to bait the opposition. I think they want the yelling and dissension as a means of marginalizing the opposition to their Health Care Reform Bill. Those that are objecting to Obama-care in these meetings are being held up by the Democrats and the Obama-loving national media as misfits; and, thereby, making their arguments against the plan look disingenuous, radical, and, even, un-American!

This is consistent with all that has been going on since Obama took office. It is a strategy. It is a tactic that is used by the community organizers and the political thugs of Chicago. It is the practice of calling people out by isolating them, embarrassing them, and, then, crushing them and any opposition to what you want to do.


Cheryl Pass said...

That is an interesting take on the town hall meetings I had not heard before or thought of. Alinsky/Obama does use the tactic of "identify..freeze the opposition and ridicule it." So your idea has some validity. are American citizens supposed to be heard if they don't show up and speak up?? If they just sit there and do nothing..the Obamanazis are getting away with their diabolical plans. You present a conundrum. I frankly don't care what they call is they who are showing their rears. The town halls are exposing the cowards and the socialists for who they are. That has to be a good thing.
I love your blog...and mostly I agree with you. It's just this one that I think needs some more thought.

George B said...

I'm not saying it is a "wise" tactic for the Democrats. Nor am I saying that people shouldn't voice their opinions. The sign over the door stills says "The United States of America" and, I would hope, we still have freedom of speech. I just think, based on all the comments from the left, that they might have wrongly decided to fan the flames and, in doing so, try to make the people doing the complaining out to be wacks. The latest label being thrown around about the "mobs" at the Town Halls is that they are "all" racists. That was the thrust of the Chris Matthew's Hardball show yesterday. They want it to be all about "bring down Obama" and not about the "reform" methods themselves.

The Bottom-line: I have never seen such anger since Vietnam. I think Obama/Dems will pay for this.

Cheryl Pass said...

You are so right about Chris Matthews and the MSNBC crowd. I just hadn't thought of the town halls as bait...and that was so interesting. Alan Specter's meeting was fascinating this morning because most the individuals who asked questions had really done their homework. I hope people stay really fired up about trying to stop Obama & Co. from the health care grab and his Cap and Trade policies. The left always dismisses the opposition as racist or stupid or redneck or some other demeaning epithet. It's their m.o. My theory is that they have no way to logically argue their own positions, so they just try to shut everybody up with name calling and ridicule.
Keep up the great work. I always learn something from you!! :-)

George B said...
