Sunday, August 23, 2009

Obama Says: "You'll Be Able To Keep Your Health Care Plan, Period!"

Mark Twain said: "Truth is stranger than fiction , but it is because fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; truth isn't."

In Obama's constantly repetitious statement that "You'll be able to keep your health care plan", it is the "possibilities" that Mark Twain talked about that are being intentionally hidden by the supposed "truth" of his statement.

If Health Care Reform is passed in the current form of House Bill HR3200, it is highly possible that you will be able to keep your health plan; just as Obama keeps saying. However, the "possibilities" that are missing from his statement are all too true.

For sure, you'll be able to keep your current health plan "but" only until the your health insurance company is run out of existence because it can no longer compete with the "public option." Then, too, you can keep your health plan "until" that new agency of the Federal Government, the Health Choices Administration, audit's your health insurance company out of existence. Then, again, you can keep your plan "until" the Health Choices Administration tells your insurance company that it can no longer provide that type of coverage for any of a variety of reasons. Also, you'll be able to keep your plan "until" your employer decides to completely drop your health insurance coverage because it will be cheaper for that employer to pay the Federal penalty than to keep providing employer-based health coverage. And, let's not forget that HR3200 stipulates that once you are forced to move to the "public option", you can never again rejoin any private insurer.

Yes, Obama is telling you the truth, alright. But, in his "truth" there are many hidden "possibilities" in the form of BUTs and UNTILs. For those reasons, Obama's statement isn't just "stranger than fiction" --- it is fiction!

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