Saturday, August 29, 2009

Pass One For Teddy?

With Ted Kennedy now gone, the Democrats are trying to push the health care reform bill as a "memorial" to the far-left Senator. I'm sorry, we already have Obama -- a Kennedy-backed candidate -- and look what that got us. Now, we are supposed to support another Kennedy mistake and pull this health care bill out of the trash, dust it off, and pass it; just because it was his life's goal?

Pelosi, Reid, and the rest of the Democrats have absolutely no shame. Kennedy isn't even buried yet and they have decided to use his death as some type of incentive for the passage of their health care bill. I'm really surprised that Kennedy's casket doesn't have a banner draped across it that says: "Pass Health Care, Now! Pass it for Dead Ted"!

The health care bill is bigger than one Senator or any other politician. If we are to pass health care legislation, it should be for the "good" of "all" Americans and not as just some memorial to Ted Kennedy. We already have a bunch of big-government, social programs that are memorials to Teddy. Most of them are in such solvency problems that they are almost all carrying "going out of business" signs. Let's not add another to that long list of things that we can't pay for and that really only benefit a "chosen" few; while pushing most other Americans aside.

As a Democrat of the 1960's, I, like a lot of those who mourned for JFK and RFK, wanted Edward Kennedy to run for President. A lot of what Ted Kennedy stood for and the legislation he pushed did, in fact, memorialize his two dead brothers, and I supported him. Still, today, I think that all of his goals are laudable. But, it was the methods in achieving those goals that I had serious problems with. I was wrong in supporting Ted Kennedy and was, in fact, blinded by the Kennedy mystique. I'm well over that now, and I am the former politically blind man, I can strongly say: "Let's 'not' pass this one for Teddy!" Let's just scrap it. Instead, let's create a health care bill that is the best in the world and that truly and uniquely American; not something like Canada or Britain or, even, France.

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