Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Black Leadership's Blind Eye

The political left (including the President), black leadership figures such as Al Sharpton, and left wing organizations like the NAACP have come to the defense of Harry Reid after it was revealed that in 2008 he made the comment that Barack Obama will be President because he doesn't have a "Negro dialect."

Over the last five decades, African Americans in this county have worked to divorce themselves from the word "Negro" because of the fact that the word "nigger" was a slang that was derived from it. Blacks, themselves, use the word Negro typically as a derogatory term implying that someone is an Uncle Tom. Recently, there was a minor uproar when it was found that the new census forms contain a reference to that word as seen in this news story: (Click to See Full Story).

To me, the only people that are being hurt by this defense of Harry Reid are the Blacks themselves. They are weakening their defense against racial epithets by condoning this form of negative labeling from any white person -- especially one who is supposedly in the political leadership. More than anything, the defense of Reid clearly shows the hypocrisy of the left and the political polarity of Black Americans. They can argue all day that there isn't a double standard but this proves that there is. It proves it because they are willing to sacrifice the hard-fought battle against racial slurs in order to protect any Democrat. I think most Americans can see what is going on. For sure, the Blacks and political left have completely weakened their case against "racial bigotry" going forward by not taking Reid to task. In the future, screams of racism are probably going to fall on more deaf ears than there had been before the Reid flap. And, the Black leadership and the political left have only themselves to blame for it.

Lastly, if Harry Reid was so sensitive to Black causes -- as Obama and other Black leaders have implied -- he would have never even said the word "Negro" either publicly or privately. The fact that he did say it implies that it must be part of his vocabulary or, possibly, a Freudian slip that reveals only a pseudo-sympathy for Black civil rights. A pseudo-sympathy that is driven merely by politics of using Blacks to get the their vote. I believe that attitude is prevalent throughout the Democratic party.

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