Saturday, January 30, 2010

A Comment About The Party Of No

Since the Massachusetts election of the Republican Scott Brown there has been a lot of commentary by the Democrats that the Republicans are seen as the "Party of No".

Oh, really?

The voter's of Massachusetts embraced the "Party of No". Scott Brown loudly ran as the 41st vote that would defeat the rampant spending, irrational legislation, and dirty-dealing of the Democrats. Massachusetts -- a bluer than blue state -- voted for "no" as a rejection of all the radical liberal (blue) policies of Obama, Pelosi, and Reid.

If they had wanted another "Party of Yes" representative in Congress, they would have voted for Martha Coakley -- the Democrat.

This "Party of No" labeling is just another attempt by the Obama P.R. people to try and make lemonade out all the lemons they've been rightly handed!

Please Note: While I had said that I wouldn't blog anymore, I have decided to make brief comments in this blog from time to time. No lengthy dissertations.

1 comment:

Cheryl Pass said...

Yea....I'm so glad you haven't left us entirely!! I'll keep reading as long as you keep writing!!