Sunday, February 21, 2010

Harry Now! HarryThen!

When George "W" Bush proposed private accounts for Social Security, good ole Harry Reid, the then-Minority Leader of the Senate, was afraid that the Republicans might use "Reconciliation" with a simple 51% majority to get those accounts into law; thus bypassing the 60-vote threshold to break any blocking filibuster in the Senate. As we now know, the Republicans never attempted such a tactic and private accounts for Social Security were never passed into law.

However, still fearing the potential use of "Reconciliation" to change Social Security, Harry made an impassioned plea on the Senate floor (see video below) to maintain the historical rules of the Senate and to be true to the framers of the Constitution. Now, of course, with ObamaCare effectively dead in the Senate because the Democrats lost their super-majority to ward off any filibuster, Harry sees no problem in skirting the Senate rules by using the nuclear option, Reconciliation, and a simple 51% of Democrats to illegitimately pass health care reform.

It's no wonder why Obama, Harry, and the rest of the Democrats have lost so much of America's trust!

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