Wednesday, April 23, 2014

8 Million Signups Is Success And Talk Of ObamaCare Repeal Is Over?

I'm sorry, Mr. President, having 8 million people or 2-1/2 percent of the population signed up for ObamaCare hardly proves success. Success should only be judged on whether or not the law actually meets the goals and promises that justified a complete upheaval of the healthcare system.

For years, Democrats have argued that we need to reform healthcare in America for the following reasons:
  1. People with pre-existing conditions should not be denied insurance or medical care.
  2. People should not be dropped by their insurers if they become seriously ill.
  3. Millions of uninsured are clogging our emergency rooms or are going without needed care. We need all Americans to be insured.
  4. With the highest cost of healthcare in the world, reform is needed to bend the cost curve.
In selling healthcare reform, Obama added some additional promises.
  1. If you like your insurance, you can keep it.
  2. If you like your doctor, you can keep him/her.
  3. The average family will see a $2500 drop in their insurance premiums.
  4. No one should go bankrupt because they get sick.
Then, the title of the law -- The Affordable Care Act and Patient Protection -- implied two more  promises: (1) healthcare will be affordable and (2) patients will be protected.

Meeting those goals is the true measure of success. Not some vague number of people who are forced to signup because the law cancelled their insurance or because they are under the threat of having to pay a penalty. At this juncture, ObamaCare isn't even meeting one quarter of all of those promises.  That, to any rational person, isn't success, or a reason not to debate its repeal.  Finally, can it be viewed as a success when the President finds it necessary to delay so much of its implementation until after the mid-term elections?

Reference: Obama argues healthcare law is working, rejects Republican criticism:

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