Thursday, October 4, 2012

A Biden Lie Helps Expose The Truth About The Middle Class

Last Tuesday, Joe Biden, while stumping on the campaign trail, said this: "How they can justify raising taxes on the middle class that's been buried in the last four years".  The stupidity of this statement is two fold.  Once again the VP is trying to push the totally fact-checked lie that Mitt Romney would raise taxes on the Middle Class; but, the larger stupidity of Biden's statement is that the middle class has been "buried in the last four years."  Who does Biden think did that?  Who was in charge?  Did Biden forget which political side he's on?

The reality is that Obama has not been able to help the middle class one iota in the last 4 years.  The average family has lost more than $4,000 in wages.  Health care insurance rates have gone up by more than $3,000 since ObamaCare was passed into law when, in fact, a $2,500 savings was promised by Obama.  And, the costs for food, clothing, gasoline, and energy have all risen at rates we haven't seen since Jimmy Carter. 

--- Joe Biden makes a gaffe on the eve of the presidential debate:

--- "a frequent but groundless Democratic talking point, warning that Romney would raise taxes on the middle class":

--- Household Incomes Fall In Aug., Off 8.2% Under Obama:

--- Health Premiums Up $3,000; Obama Vowed $2,500 Cut:

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