Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Under Obama, Muslim Respect Of U.S. Falls By More Than Half

With many Muslim countries in flames, it is important to look back at the President's commitment to improving America's standing in the Muslim world.  After being elected, the Obama transition team posted this statement with regard to overall foreign policy:

"Barack Obama and Joe Biden will renew America’s security and standing in the world through a new era of American leadership."
Then, there was the Cairo speech in June of 2009 where the President said:
"I have come here to seek a new beginning between the United States and Muslims around the world; one based upon mutual interest and mutual respect; and one based upon the truth that America and Islam are not exclusive, and need not be in competition. Instead, they overlap, and share common principles – principles of justice and progress; tolerance and the dignity of all human beings."
But, after more than three years of Obama, our standing in the world -- especially in the Muslim world -- is less than it was under that supposed "cowboy" of foreign policy: George W. Bush.  In June, Pew Research issued the results of a worldwide poll.  At the same time, comparing those results to the results of a similar poll taken in 2009:

Except for increases in Japan and Russia's favorable opinion towards America, every other category, by country, in this poll has fallen under Obama.  What's most disturbing is that Muslim support for U.S foreign policies has fallen by more than half from 34% in 2009 to just 15% this year.

When this poll was released, most of the left-leaning media didn't report it because it reveals another major Obama failure.  His problem is that he demonstrates weakness not strength  Arabs, by their nature, have a history of respecting strongmen as their leaders. You can't go on a worldwide apology tour and expect the world to respect us.  The President seems to think that his words speak louder than his actions; when, in fact, we all know that the reverse has always been true.  To me, the Pew results speak volumes as to why there is so much turmoil now in the Muslim world, and, let's not forget that this poll was taken long before any dumb YouTube video appeared.  With Obama, there is no leadership or strength for the Muslims to respect.  Only perceived weakness.  Just the opposite of Bush when the U.S. favorability numbers were higher.

-- Change.gov: Obama's Foreign Policy Plan: http://change.gov/agenda/foreign_policy_agenda/

-- Cairo Speech Text: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/06/04/us/politics/04obama.text.html?pagewanted=all

--  Pew Research: International Poll Results: http://www.pewglobal.org/2012/06/13/global-opinion-of-obama-slips-international-policies-faulted/

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