Friday, October 12, 2012

Biden Laughs While The Country and Middle East Are In Serious Trouble

OK.  An "occasional" and "well-targeted" laugh, smirk, or even a chuckle can be a "somewhat" effective  technique.  But, laughing and smirking should never be a substitute for thoughtful retorts during a debate.   Biden's incessant laughs and smirks just made him look like Chuckles the Clown.  But, ask yourself this. Is this the debating style that we would want from a person who might be President and who would be tasked with negotiating with an ally or an adversary?

From everything I've read, many of the hardcore left seemed to think that Biden won.  Even, Chris Matthews might have gotten back the "tingle up his leg". But, focus groups and the CNN post-debate poll as well as commentaries from many media types say just the opposite.  Even some typical lefties, like David Gregory, gave Biden the thumbs down for his laugh fest.  Maybe the Vice President revved up his political base. Especially those who might have felt demoralized following Obama's performance.  However, I think the people in the middle -- the Independents and the undecideds -- will think that he showed a total lack of presidential demeanor. One woman in a focus group put it best: "He looked like a buffoon!"

Lastly, we were told  that Joe Biden was taking 6 days off from campaigning to practice for the debate. Apparently, it took all that time to perfect his "smirk". That's 6 days of work just to look like a jerk.

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