Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Nearly 10 Million People Worldwide Don't Think Climate Action is a Priority

In 2015, President Obama said: "No challenge  poses a greater threat to future generations than climate change".  But apparently, those words fell on deaf ears around the world.  In this year's annual United Nations polling on "Priorities", more than 9.7 million respondents from more than 100 countries placed "climate action" dead last with just about 20% believing it to be a government priority.
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Among all countries, "A good education" was a top priority; with "Better Healthcare" being second.  But, interestingly, when you interactively filter the results for just the United States, the number two priority is "An honest and responsive government."  Still, at the top is "A good education".  Maybe these are the things that Obama should be working on instead of saying climate change is our greatest threat.  You think?  Especially, that "honest" part about government!


Obama: No greater threat to future than climate change:

Graph Source: UN Poll Shows Climate Change Is the Lowest of All Global Concerns:

Interactive Graph: UN Poll: MyWorld2015 Analytics: Priorities:

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