Friday, October 17, 2008

AP is at it AGAIN!

I love the AP (AssociatedPress) because they never fail to wear their bias on their sleeve. This morning they released their latest election poll data in conjunction with Yahoo. The headline read: "Poll: Voters souring on McCain, Obama stays steady". The article covered a synopsis of their poll data and included this graphic (Click to See Graphic). Throughout the entire article, the AP just kept hammering McCain about his lack of support on the economy, his favorability, etc. (Click to see the full story).

After reading it, you couldn't help but think that Barack Obama had some massive lead in this new polling data. Not once did the AP news story really mention the fact that Obama leads by a mere 2 points, 44 to 42, over McCain. You have to load the PDF file to actually glean that fact out of the data. I guess this fact was a reality that they would have preferred that you really didn't know. Actually, their polling data reveals this to be a virtual dead heat based on their own 5.1 to 6.7 percent margin of error for this poll. As complete Obama backers, AP cherry-picked pieces of data from the poll that would make Obama look fantastic, and show that McCain was "souring" among the voters. My guess is that they are trying to turn-off any McCain-leaning voters. Once again from AP, we get a commentary/op-ed instead of a simple reporting of the news. Welcome to a media-influenced campaign for Barack Obama!

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