Saturday, September 22, 2012

General Motors In Chains

According to comments made by GM's top execs, the company is more than anxious to sever its ties with the government. reported it this way:
"...GM executives are...saying it [government ownership] hurts the company's reputation and its ability to attract top talent due to pay restrictions..."
Obviously, this is contrary to Obama/Biden's touting the GM bailout as a success. Lets face it, the bailout of $50 billion by the government has literary put the company in chains; keeping it totally beholding to the whims of the Obama Administration.

And, just as it is in sports, pay will be what attracts the kind of talented people that are going to keep GM profitable in the years to come.   The problem with Obama and his people are that they are too union worker focused and, seem to think that it is those workers, and those workers, alone, that are responsible for a company's success.   That's why GM was forced to shed executives and executive pay while being all warm and cozy and protecting union contracts.  Union workers are at the tail end of the creative process and GM can see that process is in jeopardy for as long as the government has its heavy hand in the company's business.   My guess is that, if Obama wasn't involved, GM would never have introduced the money-losing Volt.  The Volt is a typical example of what happens when the profit motive is eliminated by government intervention. Article on the above subject:

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