Sunday, September 23, 2012

The 2010 Elections Changed Government From The Outside

In the President's Univision Q&A session, Obama said that Washington cannot be changed from the inside. He said it had to be done from the outside; implying that only the voters can determine the direction of government.  He further went on to say that this is why he was elected and why ObamaCare got passed into law.

Well, it seems Mr. Obama is forgetting the landslide, throw-the-bums out election of 2010.  The people gave the House of Representative back to the Republicans because they didn't agree with how the Democrats and Obama were "changing" things; starting with ObamaCare. They also took away the President's filibuster proof Democratic Senate.   All across the country, state legislatures and governorships were handed over to Republicans.

Obama is living in some kind of fantasy world if he thinks people are happy with the kind of change he  brought to Washington.

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