Friday, May 7, 2010

A Different Take On Illegal Immigrants

The common argument for allowing illegals to remain in this country is that they take the jobs that Americans won't do. But, in reality, they also take good-paying, non-union, construction jobs and get paid half to a third less than what an American would be paid to do the same job. And, employers know that the illegals won't complain because they could wind up being deported.

In effect, illegals are causing wage suppression in this country. I think, because of that, the Democrats of Congress have seen fit to keep raising the minimum wage.

Employers who hire illegals are getting a deal and, in effect, are using them like slave labor. If there weren't so many who were willing to work for less, than employers would have to hire workers at higher wages to attract Americans to their workplace. But, in reality, just the opposite is happening.

The Democrats are all for the naturalization of illegal aliens because they see votes for their party. But, keeping illegals in this country is harming American wages. I believe strongly in deportation of illegals. But, at the same time, I believe we should have an active guest worker program that gives anyone a decent wage; and, one that gives an American worker the first right of refusal for that particular job.

I live in Las Vegas which has probably the highest per capita concentration of illegals in the country. The availability of tons of low-paying, service work here is the primary attraction. When you talk to them, many of the "long-time illegals" have no qualms about telling you that they're here illegally. In most cases, they will tell you that they really don't want to become U.S. citizens. Many have families back in Mexico and in other Latin American countries and they are here to make money and send it back home to their families. I had an electrician tell me that many who have their families here will make as much money as they can so they can retire to Mexico and live like a king because the standard of living is so much lower. Generally, its the teens that grow up in this country and have no ties to a homeland that want to stay. And, because of their birth on U.S. soil, they are already citizens.

So, to me, a pathway to citizenship and just paying some fine for coming into this country illegally isn't going to solve the problem. Many don't want citizenship and, by being here, they will continue to suppress wages. We need a guest worker program. We need to go after those employers who keep hiring illegals; because, if the jobs aren't here, they won't come. Finally, we need to deport those families we find here. But, what Obama and the Democrats are proposing, may actually accelerate illegal immigration.

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