Sunday, July 27, 2008

Finally, An Obama Bump?

Both the Rasmussen and the Gallup daily tracking polls are showing a bump for Barack Obama as a result of his whirlwind trip to the Middle East and Europe. He now has a 6 percentage point lead over John McCain in both polls. However, this is about the same place he was just three weeks ago. Prior to this, he had slid to only a 1 or 2 percent lead. So, is this a bump? Or, was last weeks' slide to 1 or 2 percent, a dip? Bump or dip, I still think Obama's poll numbers aren't that good. Democrats in this country outnumber Republicans by 43% to 33%, respectively. That's a 10 percent lead. If you assume that Obama's poll numbers have to include some independents, that means that quite a few Democrats "aren't" arbitrarily buying into his candidacy.

The screen-shot (above) is from (Click for a link).

Note: Since writing this, the Rasmussen poll has slipped to a 5% lead for Obama. Gallup, on the other hand, is showing a continuing swing for Obama with this morning's lead extending to 9%; the greatest lead Obama has ever had in this particular poll. At the same time, McCain has slipped to his lowest poll percentage of 40%.

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